Quality Industrial Coaters, in the village of Webster NY, is your full service industrial finisher
From receiving your parts at the loading dock, QIC works as a team to guide your parts through our system. Right up to the time your parts are packed and readied for shipment
An Exert From Our Quality Manual.
OUR MISSION: By using simple, documented, and disciplined systems, the management and employees of QIC are striving to achieve success.-
1. Providing quality products and services that fully satisfy our customer’s needs, on a worldwide basis
2. Continually improving quality to achieve 100% conformance to requirements
3. Cultivating our performance goals of error-free work in all functional areas
4. Utilizing a system of prevention to cause quality improvements
5. Tracking our progress in achieving total quality by measuring the cost of nonconformity
6. Emphasizing a positive work environment that encourages employee involvement and a total teamwork concept.